Data Manipulation with jq
22 Sep 2016I had a data maniuplation challenge the other data that I was able to easily solve with the wonderful command line tool jq
. As described on the homepage for jq:
jq is like
for JSON data
Which basically means that you can do some very powerful transformations all without having to open the file.
My Problem
I had JSON data of the form:
"value": "GENE:d",
"other": "Data1"
"value": "GENE2:d",
"other": "Data2"
"value": "GENE:d",
"other": "Data3"
and I needed to get it into the form of:
"term": "GENE:d",
"synonym": "GENE"
"term": "GENE2:d",
"synonym": "GENE2"
You’ll notice some key points here. First, I needed to ensure uniqueness of all terms (in this case they happen to be genes). Second, I needed to remove the :d
from each of the terms and store it with the synonym key.
It’s possible to do this in a one-liner with jq
, but it took me a lot of trial and error (at least 30 attempts based on my bash history). My first successful attempt actually had an intermediate step in Sublime Text where I permuted the data to determine the unique values. I then used jq
to carry it the rest of the way. After playing with it a bit more when the task at hand was no longer urgent, I was able to solve it all in one step and build a better mental model of how the tool works. What really tripped me up was a basic lack of understanding about how the data flows from one jq
filter to another.
works on a stream of JSON data. If you have a properly formatted JSON file, the easiest way to make it a stream is to call cat
on the file and then pipe it (|
) to jq
. It would look like this:
cat your_json_file.json | jq '.[]'
For all subsequent examples, assume the cat
command is present and is piping the data to jq
The Steps
The first thing to do is call unique_by
on each object. This is easily done via:
jq 'unique_by(.value)'
With uniqueness guaranteed across the dataset, we’re now able to focus on a single object for all subsequent steps. You’ll notice above that all of my data is in a single array with each item being a JSON object. To “unpack” the array, the next command is simply .[]
. All together this looks like:
jq 'unique_by(.value) | .[]'
With that, we’re now able to process each object in isolation. The next part I had to do was to take the string from the “value” key and store it into a variable. I figured this out after a lot of trial and error. In my earlier attempts I was unable to access the value I needed after the following steps. Saving it to a variable worked, so I’m going with it. It looks like this:
jq 'unique_by(.value) | .[] | .value as $term'
is accessing the string at the key “value” and it’s storing it to the variable $term
. The next step is to parse our string to remove the :d
from each term. I used the match
function but in theory I could have used the sub function to remove the :d
. Matching was more useful because I wanted to store the match in my final object. To access the “value” term we have to filter our inidiviual object by doing this:
jq 'unique_by(.value) | .[] | .value as $term | .value'
So that now we’re working with a string. Each string can then be passed to the match function like so:
jq 'unique_by(.value) | .[] | .value as $term | .value | match("[A-Z0-9orf\\-]{1,}") as $synonym'
That regular expression should match all the genes I have in my dataset. The above code won’t work though because you’re not doing anything with the match. The match object looks like this:
"offset": 0,
"length": 6,
"string": "OR14I1",
"captures": []
So the value I need is stored in the “string” key. Now, with both values I need accessible via variables, I’m able to generate the final object:
jq 'unique_by(.value) | .[] | .value as $term | .value | match("[A-Z0-9orf\\-]{1,}") as $synonym | {term:$value, synonym:$synonym.string}'
Running the above will output each object in the proper format. The only problem is that because I started with an array I need to end with an array. This is done trivially by wrapping the entire jq
expression with brackets:
jq '[unique_by(.value) | .[] | .value as $term | .value | match("[A-Z0-9orf\\-]{1,}") as $synonym | {term:$value, synonym:$synonym.string}]'
With all of that in place, we’re then able to write to a file by simply adding > your_output_file.json
to the end of the above command.
And that’s that! Hopefully that helps explain the workings of jq
a bit. It’s certainly helped me have a better mental model of how data is passed to each filter.